Stoma patency device for hydrocephalus treatment
Project team
Ellen Roche with Luca Rosalia, Sarah Sams, Bryce Starr, Jonas Sogbadji and Gabriel Friedman

2.45 million
global cases of hydrocephalus annually
surgical procedures to manage condition
treatments have limitations
Creating a new standard of care
Hydrocephalus results from excess of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain and can cause symptoms ranging from headaches to seizures, and can have long-term impact on patients and their families. Surgical management is necessary. The current standard of care involves placement of a subcutaneous catheter; however, it is more invasive and carries a higher complication rate. A growing alternate procedure, endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV), creates a stoma in the brain and is less invasive, but is hindered by stoma closure rates. This team is developing an endoscopically, self-deployable device to keep the stoma open. That would help neurosurgeons establish ETV stenting as the standard of care for patients with hydrocephalus.