
Since 2002, the Deshpande Center has helped spur the creation of 51 spinout companies.

These firms, which have raised over $1.5 billion in capital, are developing and delivering ground-breaking products and services that not only change people’s lives today, but have the long-term potential to transform key markets including energy, health care, materials, and information technology.
The Deshpande Center helps change the world by stimulating technological innovation, assisting MIT faculty and students commercialize their research.

51 Spinout companies Since 2002, the Deshpande Center has helped spur the creation of 51 startups See our spinouts
25 Health-focused These 25 spinouts are improving health with new therapies, diagnostics and devices
11 Cleantech startups Our 11 cleantech startups are creating a cleaner and greener environment
500+ Researchers backed Supported the work of 500+ faculty, graduate students and post-doctoral researchers Faculty Grantees
$20M+ In grants Funded 190+ projects with grants totaling more than $20 million
$1.5B+ Invested Our spinouts have raised over $1.5 billion in Investment capital

Replicating success

Beyond these MIT-based accomplishments, the Deshpande Center has exerted a wider influence around the globe. Our leadership team has held hundreds of conversations with institutions and governments interested in emulating MIT’s proven approach to fostering innovation. Many programs have been modeled on or inspired by the Deshpande Center. They stimulate innovation and move university technologies from the labs to the marketplace.