A platform for multi-material fabrication

Year 2013
Project team Wojciech Matusik with Desai Chen, Moira Forberg, Joyce Kwan, David Levin, Javier Ramos, Pitchaya Sitthi-Amorn, Kiril Vidimce, and Wenshou Wong

A complete platform

Current multi-material additive manufacturing systems have many limitations with regards to both software and hardware. This project proposes to develop a complete end-to-end platform for multi-material additive manufacturing with many components that can be used for a variety of applications in both academic and industrial markets.

InkBit Corporation

The technology from this project was spun out into a startup company, InkBit Corporation.

“MultiFab” 3-D prints a record 10 materials at once, no assembly required

Printer from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab uses machine vision and 3-D scanning to self-correct and directly embed components.